Art OFF the Wall

November 7, 2024

SSAC Presents Art OFF the Wall 2024
100 works of art | 100 chances to win!

Thursday, November 7, 2024
7:00 - 10:00 pm
SSAC | 119 Ripley Road, Cohasset


$500 | VIP Collector's Ticket
$250 | Collector's Ticket
$75 Guest Tickets

Collectors are guaranteed to acquire an ORIGINAL WORK of ART, valued at $250 or greater!

VIP Collectors (limit 10) are guaranteed to be among the first 15 to select works!


Hearty hors d'ouvres and dessert | Wine, Beer, Specialty Cocktail | Creative Attire


7:00 pm - Art Viewing: Collectors indentify their favorite works. Everyone eats, drinks and is merry!

7:45 pm - OFF the Wall madness begins

7:45 pm - DJ and Dance Party!



For details or to purchase tickets, click here